Digging Out

Eric Fuller
5 min readApr 30, 2020

The Plan to Save Live Entertainment

RESCUE MEET Virtual Conference May 19th, 2020

There are times in life where you have to make a hard choice. There are times in life when the hard choice is forced upon you. There are times in life where everything which defined your life evaporates in an instant. There are times when you hold the power to make changes but you have to reach deep into yourself beyond fear and complacency to revisit every assumption you ever made and redirect your efforts to the future as it is, not as it was.

Adversity does not define your character. Adversity reveals it.

In the past week the vise has been tightened on everybody’s head. Festivals are canceling, concerts are being postponed into 2021, sporting events are planning to play for TV only. The entire live entertainment industry is beginning to understand they are going to refund most of the money they’ve taken in for events after March 19th, 2020 through the end of the year. And, they’re not really going to be able to generate much, if any, revenue until Q4 when tickets for 2021 might go on sale.

Major League Baseball has just conceded what was obvious, the full season isn’t going to be played and is the process of figuring out ticket refunds. Live Nation and AEG are opening their refund windows and demonstrating how refunds should be handled. StubHub is still holding the line against refunds but consumer and…



Eric Fuller

Consultant to the entertainment industry. Author: Forbes.com. Fan of travel, food, theater & music. Teller of Dad jokes. Eric@FullerFacts.com @ericsfuller